Are you a cash person when it comes to paying for stuff? Worried that people might rob you if they knew you carried lots of cash around? Do you know of people who carries lots of cash and put them in different pockets or use the newspaper to wrap up stacks of cash (we see these in movies, hehe) or hide them in shoes (can't tell you who but I know of people who do that when they are travelling) or just use plastic bags to carry their stuff around rather than proper handbags so as to shift the attention of the pickpockets to others. If this is you (and you know who u are *winks*, then look at what I have found you..Par Avion Tyvek Wallet
Mhmm.. In case you're wondering, people keep their money in envelopes too - and it looks exactly like the one in the picture, doesn't it? Well, look at the interior of the wallet.. Par Avion Tyvek Wallet Interior
This purse will replace the real envelopes some of you use. It is designed with a simple folding pattern that reduces the number of seams and strengthens the wallet allowing it to expand and grow as it is filled. Made with the amazing water and tear-resistant Tyvek, the smooth material creates the perfect moisture-resistant surface that will protect your valuables from the wear and tear that destroys normal stitching or leather. These wallets are made from 25 percent post-consumer recycled content and just perfect, don't you agree? Hehehe.. Put it in your bag and u don't have to worry about pickpockets if they slip their hands into your bags looking for your wallet because they'll never find it because this isn't exactly your conventional wallet type.
This product is available at Greener Grass Design for an affordable price of USD 20.00
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Labels wallet
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1 Fetishes Unleashed!:
hmm...looks like an airmail envelope. But i guess since it's waterproof I wouldn't mind carrying it around..?
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